The Complete Guide To : DUNGEONS, AMETHYSTS ALCHEMISTS 'N' EVERYTHIN' --------------------------------------------- [The Shortest Adventure Ever !] Solved and typed up in about an hour by H O B B I T !! Interesting fact : This game was originally released about 3/4 years ago as a £1.99 budget game on the Amstrad CPC 464. Now, all these years later it's appeared on the Amiga, and it's still not funny.... Anyway, on with the "solve" (I have assumed that you can explore the few locations for yourself!) HAVING PROBLEMS CROSSING THE LAKE ? GET AND WEAR THE LOINCLOTH FIRST! CAN'T OPEN THE BIG DOOR ? UNLOCK THE DISPLAY CABINET WITH THE TEENSY WEENSY KEY AND GET THEN DROP THE VASE TO GET A CHUNKY KEY !! KILL THE DRAGON WITH THE SWORD TO OBTAIN A POTION. GET THE WHIP FROM THE "SCHOOL" THEN GIVE IT TO THE NUN TO GET A WRENCH. GIVE THE WRENCH TO THE COUPLE ON THE BED TO OBTAIN A LADDER (!?) NOW YOU HAVE THE LADDER YOU CAN ENTER THE OFFICES OF FELT-A-BORE. THE AMETHYST IS IN THE POT WITH THE COOKING HOBBIT (BASTARDS!!) DRINK THE POTION AND TURN THE HANDLE ON THE ALCHEMIST'S TOWER, AND ENTER. GIVE THE AMETHYST TO THE ALCHEMIST (DONT GO UPSTAIRS OR YOU DIE) THATS IT !! Remember I did this solve from memory so it might not be 100% perfect (how can he possibly make a mistake I hear you cry!)